Sat 04 Jan
*The Best in Town* — * Wow * *COME SEE US Now!!!** - 25 - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, OutCall)
no regrets!! stunning, beautiful, so sexy
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, City Location)
Watch Spanking-Hot Videos While Getting A Titillating Rubdown by Sexy BBW Mature Hostess - 46
Fri 03 Jan
BACK IN TOWN ✯☆҉☆Blissful Relaxation massage beautiful CMT here! ☆ - 24
(Northern Virginia, Sterling, VA Dulles Airport)
Body Rub, Body Scrub, Body Relaxation, Body Massage! - 26
(Northern Virginia, 1039 Sterling Road Suite 102, Herndon,VA)
Available Tonight Late Hours! EROTIC Nude Massage * PRIVATE HOME * Mature Woman 4 Mature Men !!!!! - 43
(Northern Virginia, Centreville /Fairfax / Clifton)
★❤ 120❤ Available❤ ❤ Girls ❤120 ❤ Girls❤ ❤ SEXY ❤ ❤girls❤120 ❤available - 28
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria)
💕💦🍾😊 Lets us Touch you!! 🎊 Best body rub around💕🍾💃🏾Try our Specials!!!😘 - 20
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
●█▀█▄●█▀█▄ ●█▀█▄ ————————MAGIC RELAXATION ~!! TOP ASIAN MASSAGE ——————— ●█▀█▄ ●█▀█▄●█▀█▄ ●█▀█▄ - 23
(Northern Virginia, ⦁--ALEXANDRIA / SPRINGFIELD)
Thu 02 Jan
upscale exotic latina if you want the best call me top rated in cali - 28
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
!!GLORIOUS !! INDIAN !! S_E_N_S_U_A_L , B_O_D_Y_R_U_B AND A_D_O_R_A_B_L_E !!! C_O_M_P_A_N_Y !! - 24
(District Of Columbia, OUT CALL HOTEL ONLY !!! DC/VA!!!)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Charleston, Eastern Panhandle, Huntington-Ashland, Morgantown, Northern Panhandle, Parkersburg-Marietta, Southern West Virginia)
*StOp ReAdY SeT Go NoW cLiCk & CoMe FlY AwAy iN PaRaDiSe WiTh NaUtIcA By YoUr SiDe ;) Fun Love Rubs* - 19
(Salt Lake City, 7200 S 300 W * [8013965123] *)
FREE 4 HANDS! we're so SWEET and very PETITE! come relax with one or both of us!!! - 23
(Salt Lake City, 5600 S. Redwood Rd.)
New!💋💋💋Ebony Mixed Super, Super Busty Gal & Great Mutual Touch b2b Massages b2b Slides 100.00 Hour - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Area)
🔲✅✅✅🔲 ✦✦✦——# 【➊】*ASIAN*SPA! ——✦✦✦🔲✅✅✅🔲✦✦✦— BRAND NEW —✦✦✦✦—— Sunshine Spa 🔲✅✅✅🔲 - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ✅✅__1706 W 8th St Odessa, TX 79763__✅✅)
h0t sLiM sexY bl0ndE//c0me 0vEr & uNwInd WiTh mE// lEt Me RelAx y0uR Wh0le b0dy// u dEseRve iT!! - 24
(Midland / Odessa, my place.(safe,quiet,discreet))
👍💎👍 ΘuTCaLLs❥SEXY Bu.👍💎👍—SUPER HOTⓑⓤⓢⓣⓨ 👍💎👍 ⓒAMAZi₦G * Latina👍💎👍PLAY...Ready. Baby👍💎👍 - 28
(Northern Virginia, OUTCALL MD DC VA....U HOST)